Sunday, September 11, 2011


Salam alaykum wa rahmatullah.

Nothing to write actually.

It's just that sometimes I have stuffs which I thought were valuable enough to be jotted down here, but the ideas were just so brief that I don't even bother to put it up. Neither did the ideas were put to good use in Facebook statuses, because of the nature of the Ideas which were unsuitable for the audience.

So ideas disappeared. And no good writing skills were put to use.

And now I have this assignment to do. Have to crap out 2000 words and get it done and properly vetted in and out, by hook or by crook, before 19 September. Yet I have no idea what to crap on. Too little practice on crapping which should be utilized over here.

Also reading skills which have deteriorated since god knows when (see, I don't even realised it!). I have to digest an 8-page journal - and a journal is not a bedtime storybook. Seems brief enough, but not when you have left your newspaper-reading habits which you have cultivated aeons ago.

Please pray that I can get through this.

And also revisions before the visit to old folks home. And also tons of stuff to scrutinize upon throughout the week.

Sekian, wassalam alaykum wa rahmatullah.