Friday, August 7, 2009

Aku Eksiden!!

Salam alaykum. Ni bukan main2 mahupun satu lagi lawak bodow dari aku. It's real tuan2 dan puan2...

Aku n family members aku dalam perjalanan balik ke Melaka from USJ. Bapak aku yang drive. The journey was smooth as we were travelling southbound. Then bila sampai ke tempat kejadian, tiba2 highway jd jam. Agak menghairankan sbb ni bkn musim cuti.

Bapak aku amek lane paling kanan, sbb lane laen sumenye kalah ngan kura2. Waktu malam. Around 8.20 pm. Then sampai satu part curam, turun bukit.

Ketika itulah suddenly kereta2 kat depan emergency brake. Ada la aku perasan dalam 3-4 kereta kat depan brek mengejut. Bapak aku pon brek la jugak. Namun entah mengapa... Instead of berhenti, kereta honda mak aku tu SLIDE... MENGGELONGSOR. Seolah2 brek x cengkam.

Apalaga. Bak kata bapak aku - Bismillahirrahmanirrahim... BOOM!


Plat number tercabut.

Tragic. I remember screaming loudly, and when the impact came, my scream was muted. So it's a great collision. Luckily no one was seriously hurt, though my mum had a mild chest pain (coz of d shock and the pressure of the seatbelt on her chest during the impact. Kaksusi hurt her tulang keting coz my father's seat suddenly slide backward when the car hit the other car.

Apa yang menyayatkan hati adalah... Airbag x keluar langsung. Airbag aku x kuar. Airbag bapak aku pon x kuar. Sial. dahla brek mcm jalan x jalan je. Keta honda mak aku tu ada ABS.

ABS ni menahan tayar drpd tak berputar ketika emergency braking so that kereta takkan lose control and terbabas. Kalo kereta biasa emergency brake, tayar akan lock dan xberputar, so we can see the skidmark continuosly all along the road. ABS-equipped vehicle plak, tayarnye kejap cengkam, kejap x cengkam, kejap cengkam. So kalo kita analyse skidmark atas jalan, skidmark tu terputus2, x bersambung. Papepon, pd masa kejadian, ABS x berfungsi seperti yang sepatutnya. Masa bapak aku start tekan brek, keta Honda tu start to slow down. Tapi x lame lps tu, tiba2 brek terus xcengkam untuk masa yg lama, menyebabkan keta kami menggelongsor atas jalan. And all it need in those circumstances is a mere split of a second.

So, as a conclusion, what is ABS? In this particular 'experiment', I'd put it as " just Another BullShit".

Sebbaek kereta yg kami langgar tu, pemandu n penumpang sumenye perempuan. So xdela byk songeh. Kalo x, mula la nk gadoh la, nk marah2 la, nk road rage la, ape la, and laen2 bende2 yg menggelabah. Nak wat cne, masalah teknikal kat keta kami. Bknnye sbb leka ataupon saje2 nk langgar, juz for fun. Mereka pon org Melaka. So kitorang pon exchange contact n info, esoknye nk kene lodge police report and insurance claim. Amek gamba mane yg patot.

Satu team PROPEL datang tolong kitorang pullover ke sebelah kiri jalan. Nthen bapak aku kontek member dia, org Petronas kt Ayer Keroh. So dgn bantuan, bapak aku drive kereta tu, yg telah bocor radiator nye. Ke stesen Petronas yg paling dekat kat situ. Kat sane deal towtruck dgn tokey stesen. Alhamdulillah dpt special price. The tokay is very nice.  Dia accomodate n accompany kitorang kat stesen dia sementara tunggu towtruck n member bapak aku sampai nk fetch kitorang balik Melaka. Siap belanja kitorang cappucino lagi, hehe.

Macam Transformers

Lepas kete ditowtruckan ke Melaka, tuan stesen yg baik hati tersebut menghantar kami ke tengah highway untuk difeth oleh member bapak aku tersebut. He couldn't make it to the station bcoz of d heavy traffic. Mungkin sebab pemandu2 sume asyik memerhatikan kemalangan kami. pon Malaysia. Kalo ade eksiden kat hiway, xsah kalo x perlahankan keta nk tengok eksiden tu. Pas2? Berhenti dan tolong org yang kemalangan? Oh pliz la.... Kalo ko buat mcm tu, ko bukan a true blue Malaysian. hehe. Fakta yg diakui oleh kaunselorku di kolej, hehe.

Oh ya, ckp pasal attitude nih. Tokey stesen tu cite, minggu lps, 30 cars mengalami eksiden on both sides of hiway berdekatan ngan tempat kemalangan kami berlaku. On one side, perkara yg lbeh urang same ngan kami berlaku - hari hujan, brek x bape makan, keta berturut2 langgar antara satu sama len. On the other side, the Malaysians pelankan keta nk tgk ape yg berlaku. Hari hujan. Still pandai2 nk pelankan keta. So insiden yg sama berlaku la jgk di sebelah yg lagi satu.....

So membe bapak aku tu pon drove us all d way to our home... We really appreciate his help.


Xtau la ape yg akan korang rasakan kalo ade dalam kedudukan aku. Nervous? Gugup? Phobia? N apa the first thing yg dtg kat fikiran korang.

My mum suddenly felt feverish after the incident. The first thought is that she was really grateful that nobody was hurt. She was really grateful that she reminded me to fast on my seatbelt, which I usually wouldn't do unless I was reminded. In retrospect, I was glad that she did so. If not, then, by Newton's Second law of Mation, I'd have flung out through the front windshield and suffered multiple concussions on the head and other possible parts of my body.

My first thought right after the incident? Haha. A lil bit funny. I thought it was a new experience, albeit a nightmarish one, and I would learn how to handle accidents (by God's grace I dont want such horrible incidents anymore, but then we would always have to prepare for the worst) in the future. How to deal and communicate with the people from the other car. What's the procedure should you get into the trouble. How to get a towtruck. How that after the incident, we should lodge police report and claim for insurance.

They are all essential knowledge. Especially when you're nearing adulthood and would, one day, have a family on your own, cars on your own, properties on your own. You can't depend on the others by then. You would have to be indipendent and sort it all out by yourself.

My father has just gone to lodge the police report and claim for the insurance. I should have followed him.


Kereta yg lagi satu Toyota. Kami langgar bumpernya. Tapi keta tu memang giler kentang. Dari pandangan zahir, nampak keta tu mcm scraped off aje paint dia. Tapi boleh tahan la kemek bumper dia, sampai but tak boleh tutup. But by comparison - our damage cam H1N1, damage keta Toyota tu macam bersin sekali sbb kene allergen je.


Yang baik itu datang dari Allah, yang buruk itu datang dari kelemahan kita sendiri. pastinya ada hikmah di sebalik kejadian yang menimpa kami ini. Mungkin suatu pengajaran agar lebih berhati2 di lain masa, mungkin juga suatu ujian untuk menguji tahap keimanan kita kepadaNya...


Syahmi Ibrahim said...

tu dia!
aku igt cecair yg mengalir tu darah ke ape..
cuak seyh...
seb baik ko slmt..
vid afu da kluar..
ape lg.
post kt blog..


hahahahaha.. ni crite sedih ke crite kelakar nih.. so, conclusionnye nnti da ade anak suroh diorg pakai seatbelt ok.. =P

na'im said...

siot tol...
najis nye ABS!!..
mati2 aku ingt darah td piz..
alhamdulillah family ko slamat..
salam syg dr baok..

morphyanderssen said...

syahmi: dlm aku dok eksiden ko bole sembang lg psl nasyid ea? haha. oke2. bila free nnti, insyaallah...

rabeah: nmpk gaya kene ngaji english sampai tahap PhD la so that gaya penulisan lebih berkesan nmpknye... haha. yup, a good conclusion kpd bakal2 parents, huhu

naim: tenkiu for da concern... ya, ABS agak najis dlm kes ni... salam syg dari aku gak... baok cakhelen!